“Knowing how to interpret an idea to bring it to fruition.”

Increasingly frequently, the preparation of an Operating Suite is part of a much larger and more complex project, such as the building of a hospital or the production of an Operating Suite on a turnkey basis, and in these cases it is necessary to comply with design protocols or with ready-made solutions.

Our interlocutors are the Technical Department, the Clinical Engineering Department and the General Contractor, and we can offer them the following services:

ADEXTE: assistenza alla progettazione di piastre operatorie
ADEXTE: operating suite design assistance

adexte-punto-elenco evaluation of the operating requirements of the future structure;

adexte-punto-elenco supply of a study for allocation of furniture;

adexte-punto-elenco financial evaluation of the operation.

All too often departments have too much or not enough furniture, resulting in a waste of human and financial resources; starting from the best possible allocation of resources is the basis for the creation of an Operating Suite that is Efficient and therefore dedicated to the Patient’s Wellbeing.